Amadea* Carlos
(*Latin for 'Loved by God')
Born: 18th May 2023
Died: 28th November 2023
Cause of Death: Illness of an Unknown Nature
Never in my life have I seen a cat
That refused to lie down and die
Like any other sick and dying cat
Until now.
The manner in which you fought
The Angel of Death
Right until the very end
Was astounding.
Had you been a soldier,
Your enemies would have been vanquished
One by one,
Wave after wave,
By the last man left standing,
Gravely wounded but still determined to fight
Until the last bullet was fired,
O You Who Refused To Lay Down Quietly And Die.
What strength,
What determination,
Never seen before
In a cat
That refused to give in
Like a good sick and dying cat
And just die.
Death was unworthy of one like you.
If anyone deserved to live,
It was you.
You were once loved by God,
When he snatched you away from the Angel of Death
Who had you in his deadly embrace,
But not this time,
But who are we to say anything
But hold our tongues
As he is God and it is his right
To taketh as freely as he giveth
Just as it is the potter's right
To make a pot so beautiful the world gasps in awe
Or smash it to pieces
Without a moment's notice
If the mood so suited him.
Better to have been loved even once by God
Than be cursed a thousand times in a fiery pit
'The worm does not die
The fire is not quenched."
(Mark 9:48)
I wish I had more tears for you,
Beloved Pussycat,
But however I may try,
The taps have all run dry.